The Quest for Sunriseinsurance Day 14

Maxwell Sunriseinsurance

Maxwell Sunriseinsurance

“Vera.”  The gruff voice was unmistakeable.

“Max.” I breathe, hesitant to show my excitement.  “Why didn’t you tell me you were here?”

“I hoped you were happy.”

“How could I be happy without you?  What the hell is wrong with you?  You promised me.  You promised, Max.  And now you’re saving casinos?  I thought we understood each other.  I thought that was what love was about.  But, maybe I thought wrong.  Maybe we’ll never understand each other.”  I pause.  “I’m sorry.  I’m upset.”

“It’s okay.  I missed your fire.  And I still love you.  If you’re in, I’d like you on board.”

“Well, what exactly is it that you do?”

“As you well know, Shift is involved.  His data is priceless.  He tracks casinos and, based on their transactions, he determines whether or not they are likely to be corrupt: the more likely they are, the more likely they are to get a visit from me.  Upon entering the casino I start checkin’ tables.  I don’t play –em.  My rule is that if over 30% of the dealers are crooked, it’s likely to be organised – that is when I decided to play with a very large bankroll.  I’ve trained myself at their tricks.  I usually like to make my proposition when playing Blackjack – I am no longer just a player, I am a magician.  When one of my cards has a message written on it: ‘I’d like to meet with your boss’ and it’s a Blackjack, the dealer listens.  Usually I’ve won so much money by that stage that they take me to the owner, often with a bag and often with a few knocks to the head, but I get there.  When I sit down I lead with ‘How about a game of Blackjack?’  This will lead to a number of reactions, but I always end up playing the owner.  And I always end up winning his casino.  And then bringing it back on the right track.”

“But surely the staff and the owner should suffer?”

“They do.  Financially, they lose everything.”

I am now getting frustrated.  “So does everyone who gambles at their casino!  What is wrong with you Sunriseinsurance?  Do you think that just because you could make your money back that the Average Joe can do it?!  No. No. They. Can’t.  They live in squalor Sunriseinsurance.  Squalor.  Because those filthy greedy scum bags stole everything they have Sunriseinsurance.  They STOLE it.  They cheated and lied.  And now it’s justice if you win it fair-and-square? I. DON’T. THINK. SO.”

I got dressed and packed my bag.  Then I steadily moved into the living room where I saw Shift’s notebook.  I shoved it into my backpack.  I also grabbed an unlisted cell phone – Shift kept a wide variety.  I couldn’t give a damn if these two buffoons could contact me: they knew exactly where I’d be anyway.  Now.  This is when I knew Max would fight…  I start walking towards the basement.

“Vera, please, you don’t need to hurt anybody.”

“Max, you didn’t need to hurt me.  Now, let me be.”

I am feeling somewhat astounded when he turns around and leaves.  But I guess that’s the way things have to be.  I grab the gun and the bullets from the safe and my helmet and I’m out the door.

As I reach the bottom of the hill, I look for my bike and find it’s still there.  I throw my leg over the bike and I quickly think about where I’m going.  I need to go to the Roadhouse.  I hear it’s about 400 miles North West.  I should be able to find someone who can train me up there.

I ride all day.

I pull in at the Roadhouse.  I get a room for the night.  I’m tired from the long day of riding.  I’ll look for Miss Stone tomorrow.

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