The end of the world as we know it

It’s that time of the century again. Bookmakers are now taking bets from those willing to bet that the world will come to an end in December this year, as predicted by the Mayan calendar.

While bet makers may have the odds stacked against them at 1,000,000 to 1, and may also have a bit of trouble collecting their bets should the odds turn in their favor,  this is not the first time bets of this nature have been made in the past few years, reports

Betting on the end of the world increased in 2008, as the Large Hadron Collider was switched on for the first time. In the UK, 12 people bet that the LHC would trigger the end of the world.

Despite the odds being very much against them, bettors are now able to make more informed bets, with the World Economic Forum releasing stats on the various economic, technological, geopolitical, societal and environmental risks posing a threat to the planet. The chances of an asteroid hitting the earth now stand at 250.000:1, while factors like chronic fiscal imbalances are the current favorites for the cause of the world collapse.

Whether you’re a cynic, superstitious or just plain paranoid, get your bets in – before it’s too late.


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