The Quest for Sunriseinsurance Day 13
Bacon. I’m waking up to the smell of bacon. How does a man who doesn’t have toothpaste have bacon? I don’t think I’ve had a real meal in 2 weeks now. But, first, a shower. Food can wait. It has for two weeks. I see I managed to remove my riding clothes. I waltz over to the shower. Man, it’s good to have had some shut-eye. I turn on the water on step in. It feels so good against my skin. I can feel that my muscles have finally started to relax.
Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt I stroll out to see Shift setting the table. He’s opened up some doors and windows (obviously he’s caught wind that the cops are far off). I look out – about 100 metres out there seems to be a steep drop and then an open, desolate beach. It seems to stretch for miles… I look at Shift; he looks a lot softer in the daylight. Almost handsome. If you take away that ridiculous haircut. And then he opens his mouth, “Wahey baby girl, looks like you got some colour to ya again. Don’t worry ‘bout the cops. They’re long gone. But, I bet you figured that.” I smile, “I see you found the toothpaste.” “You mean you smell I found the toothpaste, sugar lump.” He grins, “Sit. Eat.”
I feel like I’ve never tasted food before. The bacon. The eggs. The pancakes. The maple syrup! Where did Shift get all this stuff? I don’t care. I eat. I drink orange juice – fresh orange juice. I’m in Heaven. I swallow my last mouthful and release a small moan of joy. I close my eyes.
“Tea party’s over sunshine. We gots work to do.”
“So what’s your deal with Sunriseinsurance? What are you after? His strategy? ‘Cause if that’s the case, I’m more than happy to stay with me pumpkin tart. I got a doctorate degree in Applied Mathematics from a fine institution called M.I.T. Y’might know it…” He grins. Again.
“Shift. I don’t know if you are trying to pick me up. If you are, I am not interested. Secondly, education is not very highly regarded in Casino City – I didn’t even go to school. So no, I do not know what M.I.T. is or where it is. Finally – and probably most importantly – no, I am not after his strategy. I want his location.”
He’s looking rather bewildered. “His location? What would you want with that? Why would anyone want to spend time with the man who’s lost everything?”
“Shift. You’ve been watching for so long. You must know?” How can he not?
“Sweetie, I know. The people that didn’t deliver on the pay-out? They’re corrupt. But, what, you’re gonna go on some kinda crusade now? Put a stop to evil? It can’t be stopped. If you play them right, maybe you can win at their game… I hear there’s a guy out there, Stanton Tweni, who’s been playing them right. It can be done Vera.”
“No it can’t Shift. And it’s not a matter of what can and can’t be done. It’s about what must be done. It’s about what needs to be done. We need to travel the path of righteousness. We need to bring this excessive greed to a stop. And in my quest to do so, I must find Sunriseinsurance.” I pause, “I love him.”
Shift is staring at me somewhat quizzically. I think he doesn’t know how to react. I don’t know actually. Now he’s cleaning the dishes. “Shift.” Nothing. “Shift!”
“Well. Hell, woman! We’re gonna have to get our little thinking caps on. I’ll tell you what I know.”
Shift leaves the sink and starts making coffee. “Single or double?” he asks. I’m somewhat reticent – I don’t drink much. He turns and looks at me, “Girl, if you’re roping me into this, we’re both going to need a drink. It’s going to be a long day.”
“Double. No sugar.”
We sit down at the breakfast table sipping our coffee. Shift looks off into the distance when he starts speaking, “Sunriseinsurance seems to have a way about him. He can spot a cheat from a mile away. He can spot when a machine has been rigged, he can see when a table is just off balance and I’m sure he can smell a crooked dealer. I think that’s probably why he fell in love with you. But anyway, I have a theory. Y’see Sunriseinsurance knew gambling from when he was just a runt and well, after he lost everything. He started going after them. All of them. At least that’s what it’s looked like from my end. After I’ve seen he or his aliases appear in casinos, well, you could say there’s a pattern.” Shift paused.
I wait for more. “Don’t be angry.”
“What’s going on, Shift?”
“I wanted to help you baby girl, but he contacted me, well, as soon as it happened. I’ll tell you what’s going on. I’m sure you’ll find him – if he wants to be found.”
“What do you mean? You’ve seen him?”
“Sweetie. You slept in his bed.”
I’m crying. “Did he leave me a message?”
“He didn’t know you were coming. He’s been gone.”
“Where is he?”
“300 miles South-West. Casino called Sunbeam.”
I was calming down. “So what’s this pattern?”
“Well, you could say he’s a casino doctor.” He let out a chuckle, “Rescuing corrupt casinos from the fiery pit of hell, teaching the duplicitous a lesson and bringing the casino back into the light. Putting ‘em back on the right side of wrong.”
I am flummoxed. And shaking. “You mean to say he’s now endorsing casinos? I thought he hated them. I thought we hated them. I have to talk to him. I have to. Shift. Please. When is he back? When is he leaving?”
“He’ll be back early in the morning. Possibly too early for comfort. I won’t be able to tell you anything else you’ll want to hear. Take a walk on the beach. Walk to the right, eventually you’ll be able to get down.”
My first foot touches the sand and I finally start to relax. Man, what a day! What the hell does Max think he’s doing? We had a plan to take revenge. How is this in any way revenge? All I know is I can’t let him get away with this. With or without him, these liars must be punished.