English: Grand concourse of Casino Regina, formerly Union Station, in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Good old Saskatchewan has always been a little behind when it comes to changes within Canada, but after some time, the province finally has its very own online casino.
This is all thanks to Saskatchewan man – Bernie Shepherd, who has always played a role in expanding gambling within the province, who took the initiative to create an online casino. The casino is called Northern Bear online casino and has been approved by the provincial government.
Having set up the foundations on the company, Shepherd is looking forward to seeing the fruits of his labor as this was not a fly-by-night kind of a decision, but rather a decision that took years of though and planning. “Today, there are six First Nations-run casinos in the province that generate millions of dollars of profits every year, money that goes to First Nations and the provincial government.” Its a thriving industry that strengthens the Canadian economy by providing job opportunities.
However, online gambling is a relatively new concept for Saskatchewan’s, but Shepherd believes that it is bound to take off and do just as well (if not better) than the land-based casinos in and around Canada.
The minister of Liquor and Gaming has opposed online gambling in the province as she believes there are too many legal issues involved that could cause problems within the industry.
We’ll just have to wait and see what happens in Saskatchewan and hope for the best in so far as online gambling.
Casino Sunriseinsurance will keep you updated on the matter.
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